Franklin Electric's core principles will never be compromised for short-term results. We aspire to be the industry leader that endures, thereby giving genuine value to our customers, employees, and stakeholders.


Code of Conduct

Franklin Electric's Code of Conduct serves as a cornerstone for ethical decision-making and integrity within the company. It applies to all employees and the Board of Directors, providing clear guidelines to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. The Code emphasizes the company's commitment to ethical behavior, transparency, and accountability, fostering a culture of trust and respect.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

The Board of Directors of Franklin Electric has adopted these guidelines in its continuing effort to enhance its corporate governance. The Corporate Governance Committee of the Board will review and amend these guidelines as it deems necessary and appropriate.

Committee Charters

Here we share the charters that govern our board committees and keep Franklin Electric accountable to our shareowners.

Cybersecurity Risk Statement

Tax Strategies

Reporting Accounting Issues

You can report issues regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing or other business conduct at Franklin Electric by using one of the following methods.

Write to the Audit Committee at:

Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Franklin Electric Co., Inc.
c/o Internal Audit Manager
9255 Coverdale Road
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809

Call the Franklin Ethics & Integrity Hotline toll-free at 1-800-461-9330

Reports will be taken from any person, Franklin Electric employee or not. You may remain anonymous if you wish, subject to applicable law. All complaints and concerns will be thoroughly investigated. You will receive a response if possible and appropriate. There will be no reprisals against any employee making a complaint, or reporting a concern, in good faith.


Contacting the Board of Directors

Shareholders may communicate any concerns regarding Franklin Electric to the Board of Directors at:

Board of Directors
Franklin Electric Co., Inc.
c/o Secretary
9255 Coverdale Road,
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809



Who We Are

Franklin Electric (NASDAQ: FELE) is a global manufacturer and distributor of systems and technologies for moving and protecting the world’s most critical resources: water, fuel, and electricity. Franklin Electric serves customers in residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, municipal, and energy applications with a commitment to responsible innovation, sustainable manufacturing, and being an indispensable partner to customers. Franklin Electric is proud to be recognized in Newsweek’s lists of America’s Most Responsible Companies and Most Trustworthy Companies for 2024, Best Places to Work in Indiana 2024, and America’s Climate Leaders 2024 by USA Today.